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Wednesday 24 September 2014

First Blog!

Isobel's Blog

First Blog

Hello fellow readers,

As you can tell by the title's this is my FIRST blog! So as this is my first blog I would like to introduce myself...

If you haven't already figured out my name is Isobel and at the moment I am in my second year of secondary school. I live in the UK but was originally born on a small island called Fiji which is in the Southern Hemisphere by Australia and New Zealand.  Many people know Fiji by the brand of natrual artesian water, 'Fiji Water'. I also have a crazy obsession with camera's and quotes which has driven me to a variety of future careers such as being a photographer, an explorer or even an actress. There are so many inspirational quotes being said, done or read all over the globe and that is why one day I want to achieve something incredible. One quote. One phrase. One word. Can encourage the human brain to do anything if they really do wish to do so. 

Another thing you may notice is my horrendous obsession with Pretty Little LiArs so watch out if I have a PLL moment...

Goodbye wonderful people of our planet,
Don't forget to follow my social media links... (Cheeky Promo)
@isobelsingh - Instagram
TheSlayingSeven - Youtube
@TheSlayingSeven - Twitter